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Turn Career & Alumni Engagement Into a Data Story

A Practical Guide to Sharing Metrics and Outcomes with University Leadership

In this guide, learn how to:

  • Draw powerful conclusions from your engagement data
  • Connect your day-to-day activities to results university leadership is focused on
  • Craft strategic goals for the future of your department

Career, advancement, and alumni leaders: if your Board of Regents is asking you to present engagement data, grab a copy of this guide.  

There’s a data revolution happening in higher education. And there’s more pressure now – from the top down – to quantify how departments like career services, advancement, and alumni relations are serving learners. 

How can leadership in those departments meet the demands of today and present their impact using data? How can they take student or alumni engagement numbers and turn them into the results a university President or Board of Regents is asking for? 

Combining leading ideas from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), along with successful strategies from our university partners, this guide offers step-by-step guidance for crafting an insightful presentation filled with meaningful results. The goal? Helping you share the data university leadership cares deeply about, and helping you measure the impact your work has on students, alumni, and the university as a whole. 

In this guide, learn how to: 

  • Apply leading frameworks from associations like NACE and CASE to your engagement numbers
  • Demonstrate how your results contribute to the university’s larger goals 
  • Connect the day-to-day activities of your office to the metrics university leadership is focused on
  • Draw conclusions from your engagement data and craft strategic goals for the future of your work and your department
Download the guide