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How University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Provides Best-Fit Career Paths to Students

The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa is using PathwayU by PeopleGrove to help students navigate careers that are meaningful to them.


Public Research University







Learn more about PathwayU


Business 315 at the University of Hawai'i is a foundational course for all new business majors regardless of emphasis. The College of Business is always on the lookout for new assessments and career planning tools to help students choose fulfilling majors. Built into the course is PathwayU by PeopleGrove. Students were required to take the career assessments, complete multiple online exercises, and complete two brief assignments requiring exploration of careers and personal reflection.


PathwayU by PeopleGrove was created from years of research and development in the area of predictive analytics pertaining to curriculum and career paths. The results of these analytics help develop strategies that students and alumni can implement to identify and pursue career paths that fit them well. The end goal of this process is to foster student success and help job seekers build satisfying and purposeful careers. The user portal contains assessments, personal reports, a job matching instrument, and “how-to” tools designed to help students and job seekers find a path that fits them well, make informed choices about education and career options, navigate the job search and interview process, and shape their work in ways that make it meaningful. These tools are the perfect complement to services that faculty, academic counselors, career services centers, and alumni career path programs offer. 

Students indicated the assessments offered new and valuable insights. Many of the students used the assessment results and career planning tools to consider ways of pursuing a career path that they would find meaningful and interesting.
Rick Varley
Director of Internships and Career Development
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa


  • Across both summer courses, 100% of students recommended further use of PathwayU by PeopleGrove.
  • Student respondents found their assessment reports helpful as they explore their career options, including 27.3% who found them “extremely helpful” and 54.6% who found them “mostly helpful”.
  • In 2017, 92.9% of students indicated that they have a very good understanding of their interests, values, and personality.
  • Many students indicated that the assessment results either supported what they already knew about themselves or offered new and valuable insights.
  • Students commented favorably on the workplace preference assessment and the feedback from that tool. Before the assessments, several students had thought about what jobs they wanted, but not the type of organization for which they would like to work.
  • 85.7% of students were moderately, very, or extremely confident in their ability to navigate the career decision making process.
  • 71.4% of students agreed or strongly agreed that they have a very good understanding of the career paths that fit them best.
I feel that the website was very accurate and surprised me because it gave me suggestions that I would not have considered; yet fit me very well.
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa